Branch Coverage


13950TFif exists $self->{'reportfile'}
155100TFif (match_header($_)) { }
50TFelsif (/^(?:;;\s*)?Local variables:/io) { }
100TFelsif (/^vim:/io) { }
50TFelsif (/^\$\w+:.*\$/o) { }
50TFelsif (/^\# /o) { }
50TFelsif (m[^/\*.*\*/]o) { }
100TFelsif (/$ancient_delimiter_re/xi) { }
100TFelsif (/^\S/) { }
100TFelsif (match_trailer($_)) { }
100TFelsif (/^ \-\-/) { }
100TFelsif (/^\s{2,}(?:\S)/) { }
50TFelsif (not /\S/) { }
156100TFunless ($expect eq "first heading" or $expect eq "next heading or end of file")
161100TFunless ($entry->is_empty)
16450TFif $self->abort_early
19450TFunless ($expect eq "more change data or trailer")
20850TFunless ($expect eq "start of change data" or $expect eq "more change data or trailer")
2110TFif ($expect eq "next heading or end of file" and not $entry->is_empty)
223100TFif ($expect eq 'start of change data') { }
100TFelsif ($expect eq 'next heading or end of file') { }
50TFelsif ($expect ne 'more change data or trailer') { }
2360TFunless ($expect eq "start of change data" or $expect eq "more change data or trailer")
24550TFunless ($expect eq "next heading or end of file")
25050TFunless ($entry->is_empty)