Branch Coverage


1049100TFif exists $FIELDS{$field}
1084100TFunless exists $FIELDS{$field}
108650TFunless scalar @types
108850TFif $type == 0
1089100TFunless $FIELDS{$field}{'allowed'} & $type
1120100TFif (&field_is_allowed_in($field, $from_type, $to_type)) { }
50TFelsif ($field =~ /^X([SBC]*)-/i) { }
0TFelsif (not &field_is_allowed_in($field, $from_type)) { }
112550TFif ($dest =~ /B/i and $to_type == 32 or $dest =~ /S/i and $to_type == 16 or $dest =~ /C/i and $to_type == 64) { }
50TFelsif ($to_type != 32 and $to_type != 16 and $to_type != 64) { }
11610TFif $res and defined wantarray
117750TFif (exists $FIELD_ORDER{$type})
12010TFif ($ctrl_type != 8 and $ctrl_type != 32 and $ctrl_type != 64 and $ctrl_type != 32768 and $ctrl_type != 256)
1213100TFif (exists $ctrl->{'Source'}) { }
1215100TFif ($source =~ /^([^ ]+) +\(([^)]*)\)$/) { }
1244100TFif &field_is_allowed_in($_, 16)
1264100TFif &field_is_allowed_in($_, 32)
12800TFunless exists $FIELDS{$field}
12810TFif exists $FIELDS{$field}{'dependency'}
12950TFif exists $FIELDS{$field}{'separator'}
133150TFunless exists $FIELD_ORDER{$type}
1335100TF$_ eq $field ? :
13530TFunless exists $FIELD_ORDER{$type}
13570TF$_ eq $field ? :