Branch Coverage


181100TFif @_
21350TFif length $_ == 0 and $paraborder
216100TFif $lead eq "#"
220100TFif (defined $name and $name =~ /^\S+?$/) { }
100TFelsif (/^\s(\s*\S.*)$/) { }
100TFelsif (length $_ == 0 or $expect_pgp_sig and $armor =~ /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----[\r\t ]*$/) { }
100TFelsif ($armor =~ /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----[\r\t ]*$/) { }
22250TFif ($lead eq "-")
22550TFif (exists $self->{$name}) { }
2260TFunless ($$self->{'allow_duplicate'})
2290TFif ($$self->{'keep_duplicate'}) { }
2300TFif (ref $self->{$name} ne 'ARRAY') { }
24750TFunless (defined $cf)
250100TFif ($line =~ /^\.+$/)
256100TFif ($expect_pgp_sig)
25950TFunless (length $_)
26450TFunless (/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----[\r\t ]*$/)
271100TFif /^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----[\r\t ]*$/
27350TFunless (defined $_)
283100TFif ($$self->{'allow_pgp'} and not $parabody) { }
286100TFif /^\s*$/
297100TFif ($expect_pgp_sig and not $$self->{'is_pgp_signed'})
3200TFif $key =~ /^X[SBC]*-\Q$name\E$/i
3340TFif defined $key
35750TFif (@{$$self->{'out_order'};}) { }
362100TFif (defined $imp->{$a} and defined $imp->{$b}) { }
100TFelsif (defined $imp->{$a}) { }
100TFelsif (defined $imp->{$b}) { }
37750TFif (exists $self->{$key})
380100TFif $$self->{'drop_empty'} and not $value =~ /\S/
385100TFif length $first_line
389100TFif (length $_ == 0 or /^\.+$/) { }
396100TFif ($fh)
39750TFunless print {$fh;} $kv
400100TFif defined wantarray
4370TFif ($v ne $self->{$f})
4460TFif ($sep & 6)
4510TFif ($sep & 2)
5040TFunless $parent->isa("Dpkg::Control::HashCore") or $parent->isa("Dpkg::Control::Hash")
51350TFif exists $self->[0]{$key}
520100TFunless (exists $self->[0]{$key})
53750TFif (exists $self->[0]{$key}) { }
55050TFif exists $self->[0]{lc $key}
559100TFif ($found) { }
56050TFif exists $self->[0]{lc $key}
562100TFif $key eq $last