Branch Coverage

8050TFif ($arch ne "" and $gnu_type eq "")
820TFunless defined $gnu_type
8750TFif ($gnu_type ne "" and $arch eq "")
890TFunless defined $arch
9450TFif ($gnu_type ne "" and $arch ne "")
960TFunless defined $dfl_gnu_type
990TFif $dfl_gnu_type ne $gnu_type
20450TFif ($arg eq '-a' or $arg eq '--host-arch') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-t' or $arg eq '--host-type') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-A' or $arg eq '--target-arch') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-T' or $arg eq '--target-type') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-W' or $arg eq '--match-wildcard') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-B' or $arg eq '--match-bits') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-E' or $arg eq '--match-endian') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-e' or $arg eq '--equal') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-i' or $arg eq '--is') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-u' or $arg eq '--print-unset') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-l' or $arg eq '--list') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-s' or $arg eq '--print-set') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '--print-format') { }
50TFelsif ($arg eq '-f' or $arg eq '--force') { }
0TFelsif ($arg eq '-q' or $arg eq '--query') { }
0TFelsif ($arg eq '-c' or $arg eq '--command') { }
0TFelsif ($arg eq '-L' or $arg eq '--list-known') { }
0TFelsif ($arg eq '-?' or $arg eq '--help') { }
0TFelsif ($arg eq '--version') { }
2370TFunless exists $known_print_format{$print_format}
2430TFunless exists $arch_vars{$varname}
26650TFif ($req_vars & $k)
27450TFif not length $ENV{$k} or $force
28350TFif &action_needs(1)
28750TFif &action_needs(2)
28950TFif &action_needs(4)
29250TFif &action_needs(8)
29450TFif (&action_needs(16))
30950TFif &action_needs(32)
31350TFif &action_needs(64)
31550TFif &action_needs(128)
31850TFif &action_needs(256)
32050TFif (&action_needs(512))
32150TFif ($req_host_gnu_type eq '') { }
33350TFif $host_gnu_type ne "" and $host_gnu_type ne $v{'DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE'}
34650TFif &action_needs(1024)
35050TFif &action_needs(2048)
35250TFif &action_needs(4096)
35550TFif &action_needs(8192)
35750TFif (&action_needs(16384))
35850TFif ($req_target_gnu_type eq '') { }
36750TFif ($action eq 'list') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'print-set') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'print-unset') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'equal') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'is') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'command') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'query') { }
0TFelsif ($action eq 'list-known') { }
3720TFif ($print_format eq 'shell') { }
0TFelsif ($print_format eq 'make') { }
3830TFif ($print_format eq 'shell') { }
0TFelsif ($print_format eq 'make') { }
3980TFunless exec @ARGV
4050TFif $req_match_endian and $endian ne $req_match_endian
4060TFif $req_match_bits and $bits ne $req_match_bits
4070TFif $req_match_wildcard and not &debarch_is($arch, $req_match_wildcard)